Monday 10 May 2010


Grand Theft Auto IV

- The series is just over ten years old and has sold millions of copies worldwide.
-The style of the game design and the nature of the gameplay in this first game bear very little relation to the 3-dimensional, fully interactive and immersive.
- GTA started on the PS1, then GTA3 and its offspring came out on PS2 and Xbox and now GTA IV for PS3 and Xbox 360.

- The simultaneos release on April 29th 2008 of GTA IV on both the Xbox 360 and PS3 marks a first for the game franchise.
-While the games have always 'ported' or converted to other gaming platforms (PC, Xbox, PSP example), there was also a 'sweetheart' deal in place between Rockstar and Sony.
-Since September 2007, sony and Microsoft have been slashing the prices of their consoles.

-Was advertised on nearly all of the covers of videogames magazines and up on billboards everywhere.
-Advertising similar to the way films are advertised.
-GTA IV attained a celebrity status.

-Established itself as a 'must play' game within the first 24 hours of release.
-Questioned the classification system.

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