Monday 10 May 2010

Grand Theft Auto IV

-Successful, sold millions of copies over a period of 10 years
- The games allow you to virtually 'Live the Dream'
- They developed the games throughout the technological console advances
- All the games have been Inextricably connected
- Xbox and Playstation having been slashing prices however, the Blue Ray console seems to be victorious.
- Its yet to see if GTA IV will have an effect on the ongoing battle between Microsoft and Sony
- It had been on billions of posters as well as magazine covers and billboards.
- GTA IV has made video games become so serious,it now seems to be part of our culture.
- The size of the marketing scheme for the game was on the same scale for that of a movie.
- The game united Xbox and Playstation gamers
- GTA IV has achieved similar status to that of top of the range TV hits.
- On the day of release, all conversations were about the game.

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