Monday 10 May 2010

GTA 4 artical.


The GTA series is now just over 10 years old.
It has sold millions of copies world wide.
Grand Theft Auto was originally released on the PS one and other consoles of that generation.
Jamie is an asshole.


The simultaneous release on April 29th 2008 of GTA4 on both the Xbox360 and PS3 marks a first for the game franchise.

Since September 2007, Sony and Microsoft have been slashing the prices of their consoles.

Games will be tempted by Microsoft's exclusive downloadable content, or will they go for the PS3, with its in-built Blu-ray DVD player and brand recognition and loyalty.


The size of the scale of this marketing was closer to what film students and fans are used to experiencing.

On Sunday May 4th, 'the observer' newspaper dedicated a page of its 'Arts and Culture' review section to debating whether or not GTA4 is a work of art.

In early summer 2008, GTA4 was the most impossible to miss as it was being advertised everywhere.


On April 30th the day after the game's release there was one major topic of conversation amounts students at a school, GTA4. Male and female students, Xbox360 owners and PS3 owners, all were united by the experiences from playing GTA4.

It's worth considering how any regulatory regime can hold out against the combined pressures of being able to buy with fake ID over the internet, via over the counter sales in high street stores, or getting a benevolent parent to buy a game for you.

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